Advancing Solar Efficiency

Transforming Prototypes into Investments

In the pursuit of sustainable energy, solar panels have been a game-changer. However, they are less efficient in higher latitudes. Our client had a promising prototype showing potential for better yields in these regions and came to us for support in transforming it into a viable, investment-ready innovation.

Understanding the need for robust validation, JNDC undertook research to assess the technology's viability. We produced a comprehensive risk analysis, considering all threats to the technology's longevity and efficiency, from natural occurrences like storms to routine maintenance challenges.

We designed bespoke experiments and built custom test equipment for accelerated life cycle testing. By pushing the technology to its limits, we aimed to understand its breaking points. This rigorous testing ensured every aspect of the system was resilient and reliable.

Through our meticulous testing and validation, the client's solar panel technology was refined and proven robust and efficient, even in challenging higher latitude conditions. This thorough validation made it an attractive, investment-ready innovation. Our collaboration helped the client move from a promising prototype to a market-ready product, advancing sustainable energy in higher latitudes.


Food for Thought


Opening Possibilities