First Name
Last Name
Best phone number to call you on
Stage of your Project
"Concept Exploration" - Brainstorming and formulating potential solutions.
"Initial Design Development" - Creating early designs and defining product fundamentals.
"Design Finalization" - Finalizing design details and preparing for prototyping.
"Prototype Testing" - Testing prototype functionality and making adjustments.
"Pre-market Production" - Product in production, not yet released for sale.
"Active Market Sales" - Product in production and currently sold in the market.
Size of your team
Just me
There are 2 of us
There are between 3-5 of us
There are between 6-10 of us
There are more than 10 of us
Team Composition
Mostly Full-Time
Mostly Part-Time
Equally Mixed
"No plan yet" - Still in the ideation phase, with no formal plan in place.
"Plan in mind, not documented" - You have a plan conceptualized but not yet recorded.
"Basic plan outlined" - A foundational business plan is drafted with key points noted.
"Detailed business plan written" - A comprehensive business plan is documented, outlining detailed strategies and goals.
"Complete business and commercial strategy" - A thorough plan with both business and commercial strategies, including market analysis and operational details.
What support are you looking for?
Ok, a big question, but give us a feel for what help you are looking for. Remember we offer a broad range of services, so ask away.
When is best for us to arrange a call?
You're busy, so are we, but giving us an idea of a few times and dates that work for you really helps us schedule our call with you.
Thank you for reaching out!
A confirmation email is on its way with details of your upcoming consultation. This initial session is completely free and carries no obligation—our team is reviewing your submission to ensure a thorough discussion of your project.
We always look forward to discovering what each new project might bring and how we can contribute to its success. Should you have any questions before our meeting, please don't hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to our no-obligation session!
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